Thursday, October 1, 2009

Help Request Help

Have you tried to initiate a Help Request from your netbook only to find that the Next button is not in the spot you expected? No matter how much you scroll, it is just unreachable. Our awesome Tech Dudes have come up with a fix!

Here is what you are contending with now:

From CHTechTips

No scrolling in the world is going to get you to that Next button.

All you have to do is press F11 to enter full screen mode when you are in the Help Request program. F11 is one of those keys at the top of your keyboard that you're always wondering, "What are these here for?".

From CHTechTips

Full screen mode will make all of the buttons in the dialog box available. See the Next button?

When you are done with your Help Request, press F11 to exit full screen.

Good luck!

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